Best KIMOZO Air Purifier Malaysia Review [currentyear]

It is not a secret any longer that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air. This is even riskier for folks that spend more time at home especially in regions like Malaysia. If you fall into this category, you should be extremely concerned about the risks from pollutants like dust mites, cigarette smoke, bacteria, pet danders, allergens and organic compounds. 

In these places, good ventilation is of importance, this is where the Kimozo air purifier Malaysia models comes in. The Kimozo air purifiers Malaysia will go a long way and will increase the quality of healthy air in your home. As it stands now, not only your home needs air purification, your car needs this as well.

Your perfect-fit of the best air purifier Malaysia should be operated in a way you like, enhances your way of life, doesn’t look outdated and fits into your budget.  

We have done extensive research and evaluated different air purifiers based on their efficiency which is rated by how many germs they can suck up, their capacities which are also rated on how wide the space they can clean is, their aesthetic appearance and finally their price.

Based on the compulsory factors listed above, here are our top picks of the best Kimozo air purifiers out there.

What Types of Air Purifiers Are There in The Market?

Different types of air purifiers avoid in the market thanks to technological advancements. Each of these air purifiers have in-built capacities to filter air while also reducing foul odor. However, not all air purifiers can accomplish this. Owing to this distinction, there are different types of air purifier models. Here, we highlight the different air purifier models available in the Malaysian market. 

1. HEPA Filter Air Purifier

As stated earlier a HEPA filter must be able to filter 99.7% particles that are 0.3microns bigger. For example, a human hair will usually have a thickness of fifty to a hundred and twenty microns. Here, a HEPA filter won’t be able to trap this because it is larger than the standard micron size it can trap. These HEPA filters can only trap chemicals, moulds, or viruses that can’t be seen by the human eye.

Quite common, a common HEPA filter is able to suck in air and filter particles of bacteria and moulds. It traps the bacteria and moulds in its carbon filter such that you can clean them off after successful filtration cycles. 


  •  No bypassing
  •  Easy to install


  • Dirt holding capacity is low

2. Carbon Filter

Carbon air purifiers usually depend on the porous form of activated carbon that is made in a granular form or as a powdered block. It is very porous, so a portion of it can possess a very large surface area which aids the air purifier that contains activated carbon to take in a large quantity of pollutants. 


  •  Carbon steel fabrication
  •  Access manways for easy maintenance


  • Difficulty in installation

3. Humidifier and Air Purification Combination

Cold air causes cracked skin and a dry nose, especially during winter. To curb this effect of dry air, this humidifier will be of great help. But most times, the increased humidity caused by the use of humidifiers can be a breeding ground for bacteria and moulds and therefore it is advisable to use it together with an air purifier. Instead of buying separately, you can get them together; quite easier. 


  •  Swift decomposition of air pollutants
  •  Anti- bacterial purifier


  • Only one filter material

4. Ionizer or Iconic Air Purifier

This air purifier is based on the principle of ion generators. The ozone air purifiers generators continuously send out a flow of negatively charged ions. Allergen particles, dust and other pollutants are attracted to the ions and there is an interaction with each other, the pollutants heavy and they drop to the floor to where they can be swept away. For zoo zone-based purifier, they remove odour in the home by the production of ozone while using the oxidation process to target the gases that produce foul odour.


  •  Less expense
  •  Improves sleep


  • Can leave your surfaces extra dusty

5. UV

UV air purifiers help to kill the germs and viruses in your house. They are otherwise known as UV light air purifiers because they make use of the light to clean the air in your room. A UV air purifier penetrates into the core of the matter and destroys the core DNA of the pathogen and thus prevents the harmful pollutants from procreating. 


  •  Neutralize germs faster
  •  Eliminates fatigue


  • Doesn’t eliminate any other allergens aside from dust.

Features of an Air Purifier

  1. Light sensor

Most air l-purifiers are quite easy to understand if you take our time researching them. In most cases, people assume that air purifiers filter only air. Well, they do but there are other features you should know about its filtration process. 

Let’s take a look at the features of the air purifier and see how these features affect the functionality of the air purifier. 

The illuminance sensor part of the air purifier is probably the first to appear when you look at the air purifier. In most cases, the color will vary over time before the air purifier. Several people don’t understand the colours of the air purifier. The colour of an air purifier tells the condition of the air- if healthy or harmful.  Blue Collar: Good Air 

  • Blue Violet: Moderate. 
  • Red Purple: Not good for your health. 
  • Red: Very abnormal. 

Notable is the fact that the light sensor shows red for the first 5 minutes when the Air purifier is turned on. However, the red colour doesn’t mean that the air purifier has measured unhealthy air if you just switched the air purifier on. Instead, it means the air purifier is trying to measure the surrounding air. After about 5 minutes, the light sensor changes colour to what the state of the surrounding air is.

  1. Filtration process 

The major function of an air purifier is to produce healthy and breathable air through filtration. Malaysia’s best air purifiers draw in air and then filter it. This is how  it works, just like the HEPA filters.

Air purifier filter.

However, there are factors that affect the filtration process of air purifiers. One common one is the size of the room. The size of the room is different for different air purifiers. 

For the best results, place your air purifier in a room that’s sized for it. 

  1. Odor Reduction 

Not all air purifier models reduce odors, but the best air purifiers in Malaysia can reduce odors in the air. The same way an air purifier filters air, the same way it puts odors in. Air is sucked in, trapping molecules and causing odor. 

However, of the two types of air purifiers that filter air, only the carbon activated type can trap odor molecules and reduce odors in the room. It is important to note that an air purifier will not only completely eliminate odors, but will only reduce odors in the room. When it comes to 

Odor trapping air purifiers, several factors affect their effectiveness. First, the amount of carbon present. Without enough carbon, the air purifier can’t catch enough molecules and can cause odors. This leaves enough molecules in the room to smell. 

Also, a carbon filter with rapidly changing humidity may expel gas and trapped odor molecules may be released again into the room.

Benefits of Using Air Purifiers

There are numerous benefits of having air purifiers in your home or car. Air purifiers are capable of not only purifying the air you inhale, they also double as an odor reducer. Aside from the benefits we highlight, there are other advantages of owning an air purifier. Below, are some of the benefits of using air purifiers

1. Soothes asthma patients of their symptoms

Inflamed bronchial tubes are what asthma patients suffer from and anything that can irritate their airway will cause difficulty in breathing for them. Sad enough, pollutants like pollen, dust of hair are all potential causes of irritation in their airways. Air purifiers to the rescue! These purifiers contain HEPA filters that help to trap all these filters thereby leaving the asthma patient a clean air to breathe in.

2. Destroys harmful chemicals found in the air in your home

Harmful gases like nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide are all external pollutants that are harmful and found in locations of high traffic. They may get into your home space and increase your risk of getting dementia or AlzheiAlzheimer’sse. Asides from this, your home space can still be contaminated by toxins that can be gotten from cleaning agents and these toxic materials include phthalates, ammonia, chlorine e.t.c 

3. Neutralizes unpleasant odour

Chemicals like gasoline, formaldehyde and benzene break down at room temperature and give of an unusual odour. These of ours can tamper with your cognitive functions, cause nausea and breathlessness. Air purifiers to the rescue once again. HEPA and activated carbon filter air purifiers work efficiently in trapping these gases and particles to reduce pollutants that are found in the home space. These air purifiers absorb the smell thereby making the room clean and fresh.

Factors To Consider Before Buying an Air Purifier

Before you decide to buy an air purifier, there are things you are to consider and these things are beyond its physical features – things that you can see. Although physical features are important, they are not the only things to consider before buying an air purifier. Here are four things to consider before buying an air purifier.

Room Size

As a newbie, in choosing an air purifier, you must consider the room size before purchase. Different types of air purifiers work for different sizes of room.

Without wasting time, you should know about the ACH (Air Change per Hour). ACH is the number of times an air purifier can filter the entire volume of air in a room. For some air purifiers, their ACH is four times, while for others it is less or more. 

If you are an asthma patient, you must get air purifiers with an ACH of four. This way, you are sure that the air is properly filtered removing any microorganism that causes an allergic reaction.

For better understanding, here is a guide for the types of air purifiers to use for different room sizes.

  • Small: Air purifiers in this category are designed for personal rooms or rooms of about 299 square feet. This type of air purifier can be used for cars too.
  • Medium: these air purifiers are for rooms with about 300 to 699 square feet.
  • Large: These air purifiers can cover large sizes of 700 to 1900 square feet. 
  • Whole house: if your house is bigger than 1900 square feet, you definitely will be needing air purifiers that can fit the whole house.

Frequency and Usage

Frequency and room size almost fall into the same category. Some articles group them while some do not. But we are not grouping them. The frequency will refer to the number of times that the air purifiers can filter the entire area in a treated area. 

Averagely, an air purifier can filter air four times but this is not the same for all. Ensure you know your room size and its frequency before purchasing any air purifier. 

Budget and Price Factor

As you will expect, the price factor will be included. Depending on features, the price for air purifiers differs. Some purifiers are more expensive because of their features.

For instance, some air purifiers have Wifi connections while some just use direct current. If you will be buying an air purifier with Wifi connections, obviously you’ll be spending more. So, general features are important as they affect the price.


There are different brands of air purifiers in the market. The brands are so many that as a newbie, getting the best brand may be challenging.

Some brands are more about the names than the features. So, they are more expensive because they are selling brands. But with the Philip air purifier, you are sure to get your money’s worth.

Best Kimozo Air Purifiers in Malaysia

1. KIMOZO Anion Air Purifier With Smoke Mode [KIMOZO-AN-7818]

This product is a safe option especially for people with allergens, compromised Immune system asthma or offer sensitivities as well. It has three different modes and they include the smoke-free mode, the sleep mode and the anion mode with each mode having its unique functions at a specific time. It has a four-layer filtration with three composite filtration layers plus a highly efficient negative ion filtration. 

It possesses a HEPA filter which is effective in trapping pollutants like dust, cigarette smoke, pet dander and pollen. The HEPA filter comprises layers of fibers that are randomly placed and vary in diameter between 0.5 and 2.0 micrometres. It is these fibers that work together to absorb 99.7 percent of the harmful airborne particles. The unique feature of this air purifier is that it is a type of Ion based air purifier plus the fact that it comes on a smoke mode.


  • 4 layer filtration
  • 3 layer composite filter
  • 50m² coverage
  • Features honeycomb activated carbon


  • It runs quietly in the background
  • It has 99.97% filtration efficiency. 
  • You can adjust the  filter to trap smaller particles.
  • It has a night mode sensing mode for bedrooms.
  • It has smoke free mode
  • It uplifts mood and alleviates depression


  • It’s coverage doesn’t exceed 50m²

2. KIMOZO Smart Purifier With UV Mode

The unique feature of this product is five-layer filtration that comprise three composite filter layer plus a highly efficient negatively charged ion filtration sterilization and a UV light serving as the last filter layer. It has a non-woven or a pre-filter that has the tendency to capture airborne particles that are considered large and this includes dust and pet dander that are important in extending the life of the HEPA filter. 

The only condition attached to this is that it must be checked regularly and may need to be subjected to sweeping or vacuum cleaning. This amazing Kimozo air purifier comes with a HEPA filter that can help in trapping particles like dust, pet dander, pollen, etc. These HEPA filters comprise layer that are randomly placed fibers ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 micrometres.


  • Ready stock and shipping
  • Efficiency up to 180mh³
  • Five layers filter
  • High level of performance


  • Boost daytime energy
  • High performance


  • High power consumption

3. KIMOZO Smart Ion Air Purifier with HCHO Hunter Mode 

This air purifier is a smart one. It has a high performance and is capable of removing almost 100 percent viruses from the air. One of its notable features is it’s automatic sensing and quality air response. Also, it has a purifying efficiency which is up to 260m³/h. 

This air purifier has a sleep mode and and auto mode. It traps harmful substances in the air making the air suitable for you and your loved ones. It has 8 hours daily usage allowing you to breathe in purified air.


  • HCHO hunter
  • Coverage up to 50m²
  • 4 smart modes
  • Display lights to aid better sleep


  • Eliminates fatigue
  • High efficiency
  • Auto mode and sleep mode


  • Difficulty in installation

Kimozo Air Purifier Filter Replacements

1. KIMOZO Air Purifier 3-Layer Composite HEPA Activated Carbon Filter Replacement

With its HEPA filtration, cigarette smoke, pet dander and other allergens can’t roam about freely in your home. Its non-woven pre filter helps you to capture large particles in the air that can cause illnesses. It also doubles as an odor reducer as it absorbs gases making your home smell fresh. 

This air purifier filter replacement is ideal if your original air filter gets bad. You can save money when you buy a filter replacement rather than a new air purifier. Kimozo air purifiers are ideal if you have health issues like allergies, asthma or other respiratory problems. 


  •  3 layers filtration
  • Honeycomb activated carbon
  • Colour: Black
  • Filter replacement intervals of 3000 hours


  • Intimates sleep
  • Helps with allergies by eliminating dust and pollen
  • Removes odour


  • No ready stock

2. KIMOZO Air Purifier 3-Layer Filters HEPA Filter with Activated Carbon Filter

Thanks to this filter replacement, formaldehyde can be removed totally from the air in the room. This filter possesses an ability to trap and decompose formaldehyde in the air alongside other particles that can’t be seen with the naked eyes. It also features honeycomb activated carbon to get rid of gases, vapours and other unpleasant smells in your home. 


  • Removes 88.9 formaldehydes
  • Non woven filter
  • 4 layer composite filter
  • High efficiency filtration


  • High efficiency filtration
  • Traps harmful particles


  • No warranty period

Alternatives to the Kimozo Air Purifiers

Here are some other air purifiers that you can choose if none of the Kimozo purifiers have caught your eye yet.

1. Air Purifier HEPA Filter With Remote Control

This air purifier has an LCD display system that allows for colourful display of the features. It also has an intelligent control system and UV light as part of its features. Little wonder, it isaa common alternative among users. It also has a 40w battery capacity to ensure longer filtration of the air in your room. 


  • Noise : Best for : 35 meter square – 50 meter square space.
  • Operating Voltage : 220-240V (Malaysia 3 pin plug)
  • Weight : Approx. 5.4
  • Size : 330*200*520mm
  • Operating current : 0.17A
  • Power : 40w


  • It has a 1 x HEPA filter.
  • It has an LCD screen display.
  • It comes with an intelligent touch control.
  • It is affordable.


  • It only has a 40w power capacity. 

2. Air Purifier Build in UV Technology And HEPA Filter

The Air Purifier with HEPA Filter JSY40B is one of the best air purifiers in Malaysia making it a safe alternative for Kimozo air purifiers. It has four filtration systems to ensure proper, adequate and complete filtration of air in a space. It comes with a light sensitive control that indicates a health level of air in the room.

The Air Purifier with HEPA Filter JSY40B is one of the safest options during the pandemic because it can filter very tiny particles. It is the ideal home air purifier.


  • Power : 45w
  • Weight : Approx. 5.4
  • Operating current : 0.17A
  • Operating Voltage : 220-240V (Malaysia 3 pin plug).
  • Noise : Best for : 25 meter square – 45 meter square space


  • It has four stages filtration process 
  • It has intelligent light control 
  • It has HEPA filters 
  • It has 3000 filter replacement time


  • It has only a paper capacity of 40w.

Final Verdict 

There are various benefits of air purifiers making them a must for every household. When you have air purifiers, you can be sure you are breathing in air free of allergens, microorganisms, dust and even smoke. Although many air purifiers eliminate smoke, not all have this capability. Rather, many of them reduce smoke and other gases drastically. 

In this article, we list and discuss some of the best Kimozo air purifiers in Malaysia. Also, we discuss the types of air purifiers enabling you to make the best decision as regards purchasing an air purifier. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which KIMOZO air purifier is best?

The Best Kimozo air purifier is the one that appropriately suits your needs. If you need a kimono air purifier that has a complete filter layer with the smoke mode filter layer inclusive, then you might go for the KIMOZO Anion Air Purifier with Smoke Mode KIMOZO-AN-7818. Generally, most air purifiers by Kimozo are trustworthy and affordable.

2. Is a KIMOZO air purifier safe?

Air purifiers are advertised to people to be health conscious most especially for patients that suffered from. Asthma and allergies. These widely used ionic air purifiers’ emits milligrams of ozone per hour and this might not be a problem.

3. How does a KIMOZO air purifier work?

The principle behind how a kimono air purifier works depends on the model of the air purifier. It can either be via ionization, air filtration or absorbent filters

Finally, some air purifiers use electrostatic ionizers and precipitation to charge particles that are still present in the air. They operate by sticking to the plates of the machines or the surfaces near them using a magic attraction. This method can produce ozone as well.

About The Author

Picture of Kai


When it comes to contemporary smart tech and IT updates, Mr Specky Geek is the go-to-person. Behind his apparent geekiness is his ability to research the latest tech trends. He may be a nerd in real life, but in his own virtual internet world, he is a champion. Any tech related inquiries- you name it, he’ll recite it as easy as ABC.

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